Showing posts with label Be The Game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Be The Game. Show all posts

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Oilers Jambalaya and Ryan O'Marra Support Be The Game

The power of Sport, The Power of ME

At BE THE GAME, we believe in the power of sport and what sport provides and teaches our children and what that they will carry with them throughout their life's. Through our brand, we are proud to promote the power of sport to communities, teams, families and individuals abroad and in doing so we give back!

This is why we have launched the "Power of sport, the power of ME" campaign! In North America, the stat is that 1 in 3 Families cannot afford minor sports for their children! With our campaign, our goal is to assist as many of these families as we can but we need your help to do so!

Our goal is to sell 1 million BE THE GAME "power of sport" decals to raise $2 million dollars that will go directly to child development through the power of sport!

How can you help? Purchase your vehicle decals today and pay it forward! Ask your friends, family, colleagues, neighbours, and sports teams to do the same!

Simply click on the "Buy Now" PayPal icon and order your decals today and know that you are becoming a part of the solution in helping disadvantaged children play sport!

If you have a business and would like to support our page and campaign, please contact us today to found out how you can add your company to our growing list of organizations that believe in the power of sport and that all children deserve the opportunity to play.

Taylors story:

“Dear Joe Drexler and BE THE GAME Sportswear.
My name is Taylor and I am 11 years old. I have mild cerebral palsy, am a diabetic and have vision issues. I want to thank the “BE THE GAME” organization for helping my Mom to register me with Sports for the Disabled in Lambton County that will allow me to play sledge hockey. Sledge hockey is like regular hockey except that instead of skates, we sit on a sledge (which is like a sled) and have hockey sticks with picks on the end of them to allow us to pull and push ourselves across the ice. It is so much fun and I love playing hockey. WITHOUT BTG’s assistance my Mom would find it very difficult to afford for me to play. BE THE GAME IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR ME!!! And that is awesome…

Thank you,Taylor and her Mom Angela.”


Ryan O'Marra
"I am honoured to be a part of a company committed to assisting those in minor hockey the way Be The Game™ has. Joe Drexler has created a great product on a foundation created by solid principles and values. Giving back to minor hockey and other minor sports in any way I can is important to me as a person, just as it is important to Joe and everyone at Be The Game™."

~ Ryan O'Marra


You have several options on what you can do.  Either purchase a $5 Be The Game vehicle sticker like I did or you can purchase some of the cool clothing that BTG sells. Just go ahead and visit the website. They do an excellent job at BeTheGame.

Two Guys & Hockey Talk NHL News (CLICK PIC FOR LINK)

The Faithful Followers

Oilers Jambalaya is in no way, shape or form associated with the Edmonton Oilers or the Bakersfield Condors. This is a fans blog for fans. We happen to love those teams, so we write about them.