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Showing posts with label Show all posts

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Prodigal Hockey Announces The New Team / LIVE **TweetCast** at 3:00pm MST

Welcome to this very special LIVE *TweetCast* of the official unveiling from Prodigal Hockey for their new AHL hockey team In Oklahoma City. is down at the Cox Convention Center today for the Official announcement of the new Edmonton Oilers AHL affiliate... THE OKLAHOMA CITY ???

Well, we don't know the name yet, but we do (and still) believe it will be the Barons.

You will see LIVE tweets from OilFieldHockey, ProdigalHockey, NHL_Oilers, OilersJambalaya, DanTencer, AHLBarons, & the OKC_Barons.

What name is it going to be? Barons? Bisons? Roughnecks? Twisters?

What colors are the jerseys?

Who's the special guest(s) that OilFieldHockey have confirmed that will be there? All these questions that we have had for months will be answered at 3:00pm MST/4:00 CST.

Tune in right here for the LIVE event. You don't want to miss this!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Trademark Search Continues

As the Great Trademark search continues to yield clues on the potential names. Now the T-shirts have some supporting evidence this morning. As a trademark search finds OKC Bisons in the database, and here are some shots of it. There are no logos with the find, just a description of what the look should look like on a jersey.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Prodigal Hockey Announces The Oklahoma City Barons On May 19th

On May 19/10 at 4:00pm Central time (3:00pm MST), both Oilers Jambalaya and are going to have the LIVE TweetCast of the Prodigal Hockey Press Conference on their respective sites.

Prodigal Hockey is finally set to reveal the new Edmonton Oilers AHL affiliate, the Oklahoma City Barons and we are going to be there to cover it. will provide the in person media coverage and photo's of the event in OKC, while Oilers Jambalaya will be running the LIVE TweetCast for your reading pleasure.

OFH has some tricks up his sleeves and you don't want to miss this. Stay tuned for more details.


**Just another epic moment brought to you by Oilers Jambalaya and Who are you reading?**

Monday, May 10, 2010

Prodigal Hockey and the Oklahoma City Barons

Almost 3 months after Prodigal and Edmonton announced that the AHL would be coming to Oklahoma City for the 2010-11 season. They are set to "Officially" announce the Barons as the new AHL team for Oklahoma City. There has been talk that Prodigal has dropped the ball on keeping the excitement going, and fans engaged leading up to the announcement. Even during the Thunder's playoff run against the "World Champion" Lakers.

"The Pipeline" segment on their website is designed to keep fans updated with the latest happenings. But it was less then a month between entries from anyone at Prodigal, and no Twitter updates before the announcement of the press conference. And only after the blog post of the Barons logo's (note: Which were freely available on US Govt's Trademark Search Site) here on, along with Derek over at Prodigal has seemed to come alive with several Twitter updates, and another posting on "The Pipeline" on Friday.

The chatter on local message boards, about season ticket holders asking the same question over and over again. And they kept getting the same answer "we're waiting on a jersey to be completed, before we announce anything." There was no "They're Coming!", or a Countdown to keep fans excited about Hockey returning here after a season of transition.


Smokin' Ray Says: After months of waiting, it took plus that mysterious OKC_Barons Twitter account to get the ball rolling. We finally know what is to us, the worst kept secret. It just would have been nice if Prodigal was the one to spill the beans. But, they need to be quicker than that.

WELCOME TO THE OILOGOSPHERE PRODGIAL! We are relentless and we never give up digging.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Oklahoma City Barons (AHL) / How It All Happened

Well, as an Edmonton Oiler fan and a fan of the kids in the AHL, it's sure has been an exciting couple of days around here. Scott over at has done some great work digging up the dirt on the new AHL team in Oklahoma City. Let's recap on what happened.

It all started with this mysterious tweet from @OKC_Barons, "YOU HEARD IT HERE 1st: The Oklahoma City Barons will be the new Edmonton #Oilers AHL affiliate starting in the 2010/11 season. #AHL #OKC".

That sent the sleuth over at to investigate it further. There has been grumbling about the Barons name for a while in Oklahoma City and I had disussed this with Scott before. So when this came out, I believed it was possible. It had legs.

As the tweets kept flowing this morning from OKC_Barons, it made things more real. This whole OKC Barons name is looking legit. But it really didn't get that for sure feeling until discovered two logos at the trademark registry this morning and Derek Zona at the found the third one. (Those two guys are awesome!)

I have to admit. I like the logos. They tie into the Oilers theme well and it appears that the OKC Barons will wear the Edmonton Oilers colors. I can't wait to see the uniforms on them.

A little later in the day, an account called AHLBarons which I looked at this morning, and I was the only follower, became active all of the sudden. They even retweeted one of my tweets about the Barons. I thought that was really cool that they included me. I don't know who you are, but thanks.

So logo's were placed and people started following that account and I guess we will see what comes of it. I personally don't think either of them are the official team accounts, but I don't care. I'll follow both anyways, I'm a nerd for news and information. lol

Later on today at around 6:00pm MST, that same OKC_Barons account laid out another tweet. It said this, "An official announcement by Mr. Bob Funk will be coming soon. Oklahoma City is very proud to be an affiliate with the Edmonton #Oilers. #OKC"

Low and behold a ProdigalHockey twitter account was created and they started tweeting too. They spit this out at about 9:00pm MST, "Official announcement of name & logo for #Oilers new #AHL team May 19 at 4 p.m. in NE Lobby of Cox Center in #OKC. "

This is a legitimate twitter account. Prodigal Hockey runs the Barons and the twitter page even claims that they are official. Trust me. I believe it.

My big question is, how did the OKC_Barons account know that a press conference was about to be announced without some sort of inside information? I'm very curious about that account. Keep an eye on it.

So that's where we're at now. We know the name of the team. We know the logo's of the team. And I'm sure it's clear on what colors they will use. I guess all we can do is wait till the press conference to see what else is said.

Stay tuned for more updates. With no Oilers in the news, this is pretty damn exciting!

-Smokin' Ray-

Two Guys & Hockey Talk NHL News (CLICK PIC FOR LINK)

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Oilers Jambalaya is in no way, shape or form associated with the Edmonton Oilers or the Bakersfield Condors. This is a fans blog for fans. We happen to love those teams, so we write about them.